Some times I think we need cheerleads in the church. Ya know?
People dressed in spunky outfits hoping around and shouting
"We've got spirit yes we do...!"
And then I think
that's what we've got children in the church for.
Little people that we dress up in embarrassing costumes.
and then
we make them sing happy songs about
stuff in there hearts.
but the rest of us
we're not fooled
we know that the heart is just a cardiovascular muscle behind our rib cage...
a whole lot more gruesome than the baboon-butt shaped, red thing we used to make out of construction paper.
We come because we're supposed to
we say the call to worship
because it's written on the page
we say the lords prayer
because otherwise we don't get communion.
But where are our souls?
It seems to me like we've
We've lost the faith of a child.
That sense of enthusiasm and wonder for God
and for the world around us.
and most of us are only college aged!
We're too young to loose that sense of vivaciousness.
in fact,
A human is always too young to loose that sense of vivid living.
To loose that child-like spunk.
That passion.
We need to reawaken
That invigorated state of being that some people call praise.
The comedian Eddie Izzard has a small skit I always think about when I think about the state of our church
Though his is about the church of england
John Wesley is only one step away
and it seems to be applicable to a number of today's faith's and denominations.
In Eddie Izzard's skit
he makes parody of the way we sing
Dropping his jaw low and giving a droop to his eyes
he sings "Hallelujah"
in such a dismal apathetic fashion
you'd think his cat just got run over by a snowmobile
and the best and most frightening part of this video
is that every time I see it all I can do is say
it's so...
So as funny as it is...
What do we do about it?
Let's look into our scripture for some insight
Psalm 100 gives us some pretty thrilling statements
The whole Earth giving Praise?!
Singing Joyfully?!
Forever Loving?!
Can we really embrace these ideas?
...and still sing Hallelujah
without any meaning?!
Joyful Joyful we adore thee doesn't sound the same
without the joyful joyful
can we really sing about an
Amazing Grace?!
That sounds fantastic right?!
but if the answer's no
but if the answer's no
Well then we might as well
pack up right now
shut off the lights
and never open the church again.
But we don't do that.
We don't because there's something there
something in the beauty of this world
some truth in compassion
some small flame in our heart begging to burst forth.
I know some of you are thinking
Yes, but I can sing well
or I can't sing loud
et cetera et cetera
but a while back my youth director Leslie Hobson told me something
very important
she said
its not how you sing that God cares about
but why you sing.
maybe you're thinking
i don't even like to sing
What spark?
I don't feel any spark!
But then too, the scripture of the soul still speaks to us.
Roman's 12
Tells asks us to always be fervent and sincere
it is not about
always being happy
we won't always be perky cheerleaders
and God doesn't expect us to.
God simply asks us not to be apathetic
but to let open our hearts
To express that we are beings with souls
with emotions
with needs and desires
hopes and fears
be joyous soulfully
but if you are mourning then mourn soulfully
That's the story behind the song it is well with my soul
The author Hartio Spafford
Had his financial life ruined because of the chicago fire
and then shortly after, had his four daughters died in a boat crash
crossing the atlantic ocean.
on his way across the ocean to meet his wife who had survived
passing across the spot where his daughters has passed away.
He wrote that song
He opened his heart
and expressed a strong,
strong hope
and a torrent of passion
a strength of the soul
that he let pour out of him
And when we sing a song like that
we have to do it justice!
and when we are here together
we hearts and souls
joys and concerns
we have to do each other justice
and really be here.
that is why we are called together into a community
To open our hearts to each other
so that we may express how our spirit is doing
to be here for each other
to reinvigorate each other
That's how God is working through you
and in all your other communities
giving out
tangible person
to share in struggles
and blessings
and be there for each other with zeal and sincerity! and Spirit!
to be each others rock and foundation
so that God can be our rock and foundation
Let's be each other's cheer leaders and really cheer each other on
I've got spirit yes I do
I've got spirit how 'bout you?
'Cause you're here to give it to God.
So let it out
And if not here
You all know what get's you going
whether it's the violin
or algorithms
or the smell of wet asphalt
God has put plenty here for us to start getting excited about
We owe it to God to not take these things for granted
but to express our thanks and our love for God
through our vivid interactions with the things and activities and people
that really get us going
if not here
then where in your life are you praising God?
letting it go?
Showing of your soul?
bursting forth like a flame onto this earth
with passion
and might
and fervent energy?
It's something we've gotta do.
and it's part of being human.
It's part of rejoicing the way God made us.
One last note on this
because it is the season of advent
and we have yet to address the call to worship
which I would like to do.
Today is the Advent day for preparation
the day we light the Bethlehem candle
and this, is a candle that I think we easily
arrive at with a sense of apathy
but we shouldn't
this if anything
is calling us to action
calling us to be awake
and aware
as Cody preached about last Sunday
Now is the time to dust of the shelves in your hearts
and decorate them with ornate poetry
to life up banisters in our selves that welcome the work
to light the candles behind our eyes
and to let the warmth of our internal being's
flow out through our mouths
and into the hand our neighbors and companions
We've got spirits
yes we do
and now is the perfect time to start showing it.
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